By using this website, posting, adding comments or replying to comments, you agree to the following site rules:
- Only registered users over 18 years of age may post, comment or reply.
- Do not include the name of your employer. You can bitch all you want, but please do not include the name of your employer. Posts that include the business names of employers will be removed without notice. This is to avoid any chance of a slander lawsuit.
- Examples: “I work a large chain superstore,” is fine. “I work at Walmart,” it not ok.
- Do not include any person’s name. If you are wanting to complain about your boss, refer to them as “my boss” or something other than their full name. Do not include last names. Posts that include a person’s full name will be removed without notice.
- Examples: “My boss is a jerk,” is fine. “My boss, Jeff, is an asshole,” is fine. “My boss, Jeff Elder, is a jerk,” is not ok.
- You agree not to report this site as “offensive” to any service provider. You’re here of your own free will. It’s just a place to blow off steam and have a laugh. If you don’t like it, leave and don’t come back. Simple as that. Problem solved.